Check out this page regularly to see what opportunities are awaiting you at Win-TV!

Contact Jenny Hawran – if you are available to help.

A line thru it means a volunteer has already claimed it.
Studio is closed for productions until Week of August 19 due to KIDVID workshops

Field Productions:
Thursdays July 11  thru August 22, 202 – Summer Concerts on the Green – Thursdays 6:30 pm – 9pm  – Second camera person
Wednesday, July 10, 2024 – People of Windsor Opening Reception – Windsor Historical Society – 6pm. Camera Person
Saturday, August 24, 2024 – Gorden Kenneson – Medicines – Windsor Historical Society – 10 am. Camera Person
Sunday, September 1, 2024 – CT River & Roots Festival – Windsor Green – 12 pm – 6pm LIVE STREAMING . Three Camera people needed for. Three hour shifts.

Field Production Editing – as needed
Thursdays beginning June 20 – thru August 1. In need of an experienced editor to come in during our KIDVID summer program and put together the end of the week montage using supplied video and photos. Montage needs to be vibrant, creative and completed by the end of the day on Thursday to include in our end of the week screening for families.

If you want to get involved, this is your chance to jump right in. Don't think you have enough experience? We'll pair you up with another volunteer. Contact us if you'd like to be involved with these events

Sure I can help!
Sure I can help!