Windsor Community Television (WIN-TV) is a private, non-profit, corporation and was incorporated by the State of Connecticut in January of 1982. WIN-TV is a public, education, and government (PEG) cable community access provider. The Hartford area franchise holder in 1981 was Times Mirror Communication Inc. and was required, by a franchise agreement with the Connecticut Department of Public Utilities Control (DPUC), to establish Community Access Television in each of the six Hartford Franchise towns once proper wiring passed a sufficient number of homes in each town.
Once the station was incorporated, Times Mirror supported WIN-TV through direct dollar grants, employed the Station Manager, and shared equipment. With this strong support from the Franchise, WIN-TV was ready to begin programming from its first home, the basement of Windsor Public Library. Programming was created by community volunteers and we were on the air two hours each weekday evening when volunteers could come to the station and run the tapes.
The station has grown since then to a 24 hour community station. With the ability to watch programming on demand as well as a mobile app coming soon.