Summer TV production workshops
for kids ages 8-15

FEBRUARY 1, 2025

June 16-August 1, 2025
6 fun-filled weeks!

WIN-TV Business Video ServicesGet More INfoElevate your Business

Do you have tapes or films you need converted?


We can covert them
to DVD, CD or
to a Flash Drive

Watch Live Now: Access HD Channel 1073

Windsor Community Television (WIN-TV) is a private, non-profit, corporation and was incorporated by  the State of Connecticut in January of 1982. WIN-TV is a  public, education, and government (PEG) cable community access provider.  The Hartford area franchise holder in 1981 was Times Mirror  Communication Inc. and was required, by a franchise agreement with the  Connecticut Department of Public Utilities Control (DPUC), to establish  Community Access Television in each of the six Hartford Franchise towns  once proper wiring passed a sufficient number of homes in each town.

Once  the station was incorporated, Times Mirror supported WIN-TV through  direct dollar grants, employed the Station Manager, and shared  equipment. With this strong support from the Franchise, WIN-TV was ready  to begin programming from its first home, the basement of Windsor  Public Library. Programming was created by community volunteers and we were on the air two hours each weekday evening when volunteers could  come to the station and run the tapes.

The station has grown since then to a 24 hour community station. With the ability to watch programming on demand as well as a mobile app coming soon.

Win-TV is a non-profit organization whose mission is to protect and increase the freedom of expression, diversity of ideas, and community-wide communication by providing training in and access to the medium of television.

Nope! WIN-TV is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization. We have been generously given space for our office and studio at the L.P. Wilson Community Center, which IS a Town of Windsor building. And, we DO have an agreement with the Town of Windsor that enables them to manage the Government Channel, WGTV Channel 96. All the Town Council meetings and Board of Education meetings are recorded live by Town of  Windsor staff. They schedule the meetings to play live on WGTV as well as uploading them online to be viewed at your convenience.

WIN-TV is located in the L.P. Wilson Community Center, down the hall next to the auditorium. We don’t have a sign on the outside of the building. The most direct way to get to us is to come in the main doors that are located by the red building sign that says “Town of Windsor, Recreation, Social Services.” Take a left inside the doors and you’ll see our sign at the top of the first hallway on your right. We love visitors! Come by and say hello!

Be SOCIAL with us!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! ...

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The Windsor Town Clerk’s office is entering its 63rd year of offering free marriage licenses on Friday, February 14th in honor of Valentine’s Day for any couple wanting to get married in Windsor!

For more information, visit the link:

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